
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Recorded: 03/15/21
Host: Kayla Holst, Vickie Becoat
Guests: Brian Oney
Direct download: VetTalks-031521.mp3
Category:Vet Talks -- posted at: 4:48pm MST

Recorded: 03/18/21
Host: Libbie Early, Kaia Michaelis
Guests: Priscilla Walker
Direct download: MuseumMeetUp-031821.mp3
Category:Museum Meet-Up -- posted at: 4:33pm MST

Recorded: 03/18/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Chris Mueller
Direct download: CounselingEducationCenter-031821.mp3
Category:Counseling and Education Center -- posted at: 4:22pm MST

Recorded: 03/18/21
Host: Amanda Fuoco
Guests: Kayley Vogel
Direct download: MesaCoDHS-031821.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. DHS -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Recorded: 03/17/21
Host: Doug Sorter
Guests: Bev Lampley, Anna Stout
Direct download: ConnectTheDots-031721.mp3
Category:Connect the Dots -- posted at: 3:47pm MST