
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Recorded: 03/25/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Courtney Haynes
Direct download: WestRegionWildfireCouncil-032521.mp3
Category:Wildfires -- posted at: 4:08pm MST

Recorded: 03/25/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Emily McConnell
Direct download: MesaCoLibraries-032521.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Libraries -- posted at: 3:48pm MST

Recorded: 03/25/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Kanty Daniels, Sgt. Robert Beagly, Megan Terlecky
Direct download: CrimeStoppers-032421.mp3
Category:Crime Stoppers -- posted at: 3:37pm MST

Recorded: 03/24/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Chris K
Direct download: RockyMtMusicNetwork-032421.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 3:23pm MST

Recorded: 03/24/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Megan Stackhouse
Direct download: NationalWeatherService-032421.mp3
Category:Weather -- posted at: 3:14pm MST

Recorded: 03/24/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Martha Graf
Direct download: MarillacHealth-032421.mp3
Category:Marillac Health -- posted at: 3:02pm MST