
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Recorded: 04/05/21
Host: Jenne Baldwin-Eaton, Miranda Parcell
Guests: Cassidee Shall
Direct download: CorkDorks-040521.mp3
Category:Cork Dorks -- posted at: 3:58pm MST

Recorded: 04/05/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Murphy Baker, Shawna Seals
Direct download: CMUTheater-040521.mp3
Category:CMU Theater -- posted at: 3:48pm MST

Recorded: 04/05/21
Host: Coach, Elena
Guests: Chris Dieni
Direct download: FirkinFundraiser-040521.mp3
Category:Firkin Fundraiser -- posted at: 3:41pm MST

Recorded: 04/05/21
Host: Priscilla Mangnall, Eileen O'Toole 
Guests: Troy Douglas
Direct download: OurGrandHistory-040521.mp3
Category:Our Grand History -- posted at: 3:33pm MST

Recorded: 04/01/21
Host: Robin Brown
Guests: Sam Barnes, Mike Foster
Direct download: BusinessBeat-040121.mp3
Category:Business Beat -- posted at: 3:20pm MST

Recorded: 04/01/21
Host: John Anglim, Lee Barden
Guests: Jeremy Franklin, Mo Lamee
Direct download: StateofTheArts-040121.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 3:02pm MST