Conversations@KAFM (Lunch at Mel's)

Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Host: John Mok-Lamme

Guest: Sherry Cole

Air date: Feb. 15, 2016

Direct download: Mels021516.mp3
Category:Lunch at Mel's -- posted at: 11:37am MST

Originally aired May 19, 2014.

Direct download: LunchAtMels051914.mp3
Category:Lunch at Mel's -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

John and Shery are joined by Father Scott Campbell.

Direct download: LAM021714.mp3
Category:Lunch at Mel's -- posted at: 3:22pm MST

John Mok-Lamme discusses the spiritual aspects of gratitude with his guests Scott Campbell, Sherry Cole, and Mike Burr.

Direct download: LAM11182013.mp3
Category:Lunch at Mel's -- posted at: 12:00am MST