
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Coach interviews Tammy Ballagh, who is hosting 2 Rockies pitchers in her home this summer.  Air date: July 30, 2014

Direct download: GJRox073014.mp3
Category:GJ Rockies Update -- posted at: 3:37pm MST

Linda Gann discusses current news relating to the Affordable Care Act, and Colorado`s state exchange.  Original air date: July 28, 2014

Direct download: C4HC072814.mp3
Category:Connect 4 Health Colorado -- posted at: 3:31pm MST

Rhonda Dunlop interviews her guest, Nanette Sloan, about her abrupt and successful lifestyle changes.

Direct download: FreshCafe072314.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm MST

Joseph and Paula`s guests are Kim St. Germain and Rick Anderson.

Direct download: VibWell072314.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 3:28pm MST

Your Host: The Garden Genie

Original Air Date: July 16, 2014

Direct download: DownToEarth.mp3
Category:Down to Earth -- posted at: 1:16pm MST

Topic: 4K for Cancer riders are in town!

Air date: July 15, 2014

Direct download: BicyleRadio071514.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 1:42pm MST

Guest: Judith Blevins

Air date: July 15, 2014

Direct download: BookTalk071514.mp3
Category:Book Talk -- posted at: 1:40pm MST

Shirley Moore from GRID Alternatives talks with Coach about their program to help lower income homeowners to install solar panels, and a local presentation.

Direct download: GRIDalt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:37pm MST

Tim Ray, General Manager, talks with Coach about the current homestand, promotions, and Community Outreach.

Air date: July 10, 2014

Direct download: GJRockies071014.mp3
Category:GJ Rockies Update -- posted at: 2:07pm MST

Guests: Becky Horbart, Sheri Ray

Air date: July 08, 2014

Direct download: ConnetDots070814.mp3
Category:Connect the Dots -- posted at: 2:04pm MST

Rhonda is joned by Heather and Adam Ford to discuss nutrition and fitness. Orignially aired June 25, 2014. 

Direct download: FreshCafe062514.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 2:29pm MST

Attaining full human potential as demonstrated by Christ. Originially aired July 1, 2014.

Direct download: KosmicVoices070114.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 12:00pm MST