
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Host: Coach

Guest: Angeline Roles

Air date: Oct. 29, 2015

Direct download: DHS102915.mp3
Category:DHS -- posted at: 2:38pm MDT

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Dr. Laurie Marbas

Air date: Oct. 28, 2015

Direct download: FreshCafe102815.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 2:33pm MDT

Host: Joseph Rolley

Guest: Dr. April Goggins, D.O.

Air date: Oct. 28, 2015

Direct download: VW102815.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 2:31pm MDT

Host: Coach

Guest: Greg Olson

Air date: Oct. 26, 2015

Direct download: Hilltop102615.mp3
Category:Hilltop -- posted at: 2:22pm MDT

Host: Coach

Guests: Mike Porras, Trina Romero

Air date: Oct. 26, 2015

Direct download: CPW102615.mp3
Category:Colorado Parks & Wildlife -- posted at: 2:18pm MDT

Host: Chris Joyner

Guest: Chuck Lassiter

Air date: Oct. 15, 2015

Direct download: BLM101515.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 4:14pm MDT

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Paul Clement, Cendera Funding

Air date: Oct. 15, 2015

Direct download: MoneyTips101515.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 4:11pm MDT

Host: Terri Sides

Guest: Diana Woods 

Air date: Oct. 12, 2015

Direct download: PetTalk10125.mp3
Category:Pet Talk -- posted at: 4:05pm MDT

Host: Coach

Guests: Katie Goddeyne, Biz Collins

Air date: Oct. 8, 2015

Direct download: MCHD100815.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 3:48pm MDT

Hosts: Ramona Rae, Dulce Bell-Bulley

Guest: Marcus Straub

Topic: How Life Shapes Our Perceptions

Air date: October 6, 2015

Direct download: KV100615.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 11:27am MDT

Host: Sarahndipity

Guest: Sereesha Wood & Chad Sult

Air date: Oct. 7, 2015

Direct download: SS100715.mp3
Category:Serendipitous Sessions -- posted at: 11:21am MDT

Hosts: Monty Haltiner and Kristian Hartter

Guests: Tasha Dixon, Casey Dry

Air date: Oct. 5, 2015

Direct download: BeerGeeks100515.mp3
Category:Beer Geek Radio -- posted at: 11:15am MDT

Hosts: John Anglim, Avery Glassman

Guest: Jeremy Franklin

Air date: Oct. 1, 2015

Direct download: SOTA100115.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 11:11am MDT

Host: Chef Wayne Smith

Guests: Beth Branscum (WCCC), Josh Niernburg (Bin 707)

Air date: Oct. 1, 2015



Direct download: FoodFrisbee100115.mp3
Category:Food Frisbee -- posted at: 11:01am MDT

Host: Coach

Guest: Mike Porras

Air date: Sept. 30, 2015

Direct download: CPW093015.mp3
Category:Colorado Parks & Wildlife -- posted at: 10:57am MDT