
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Host: Coach

Guest: Linda Gann

Topics: Open Enrollment, plan availability, premiums/credits, regions

Direct download: C4HC102714.mp3
Category:Connect 4 Health Colorado -- posted at: 2:49pm MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Ellen Jaffe Jones, author of 3 vegan books

Direct download: FreshCafe102214.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 4:20pm MST

Host: Joseph Rolley

Guest: Ed Conrad

Air date: Oct. 22, 2014

Direct download: VibrantWellness102214.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 4:17pm MST

Host: Chris Brown, Kristina Kittleson

Guest: Mary Pfalzgraph

Air date: Oct. 21, 2014

Direct download: BicycleRadio102114.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 11:49am MST

Host: Patti Hoff

Guest: Annabeth Hill, author

Air date: 10-21-14

Direct download: BookTalk102114.mp3
Category:Book Talk -- posted at: 11:48am MST

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Vicki Chandler

Air date: Oct. 16, 2014

Direct download: MoneyTips101614.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 11:26am MST

Hosts: John Anglim & Mary Hertert

Guest: Fay Timmerman

Topic: Operating a Successful Art Gallery

Direct download: StateArts101514.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 1:51pm MST

Host: The Garden Genie

Guest: Susan Carter, CSU Extension

Air date: Oct. 15, 2014

Direct download: DownToEarth101514.mp3
Category:Down to Earth -- posted at: 1:48pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Cody Cooper (staff), Ross Langstaff (senior partner), Dylan Sanchez (junior partner)


Direct download: Partners101314.mp3
Category:Partners -- posted at: 2:31pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Jeff Kuhr, MCHD Exec. Director

air date: Oct. 13, 2014

Direct download: MCHD101314.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 2:10pm MST

Hosts: Ramona Rae, Dulce Bell-Bulley

Guest: Suzi Creme Cheeze

air date: Oct. 7, 2014

Direct download: KosmicVoices100714.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 1:15pm MST

Hosts: Joseph Rolley, Paula Anderson

Guests: Dr. Chris Lepisto, Anthony Bogart

air date: Sept. 24, 2014

Direct download: VibrantWellness092414.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 7:54pm MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Dr. Andrew Freeman, cardiologist

Direct download: FreshCafe092414.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 7:51pm MST