
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Host: Coach

Guest: Mike Porras

Air date: Aug. 22, 2016


Direct download: CPW082216.mp3
Category:CPW -- posted at: 12:49pm MDT

Host: Chris Joyner

Guests: John Howe, Mike Jones

Air date: Aug. 22, 2016



Direct download: BLM082216.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 12:43pm MDT

Host: the Harley Rider

Guests: Shawn, Joe, Gabriel, Luke

Air date: Aug 18, 2016

Direct download: HavenEffect-081816-.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 12:36pm MDT

Host: Coach

Guest: Mick Ritter

Air date: Aug 18, 2016

Direct download: GJRox-081816.mp3
Category:GJ Rockies Update -- posted at: 12:22pm MDT

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Mandy Miller

Air date: Aug. 18, 2016

Direct download: MoneyTips-081816.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 12:18pm MDT

Host: Catherine Melorango

Guest: Brittany Madigan

Air date: Aug. 17, 2016

Direct download: PBS-081716.mp3
Category:PBS in Tune -- posted at: 12:11pm MDT

Host: Coach

Guest: Andrew Romanoff

Air date: Aug. 17, 2016

Direct download: MentalHealthCO-081716.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm MDT

Host: Veta

Air date: Aug. 16, 2016

Direct download: Mare-081616-.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 11:26am MDT

Host: Chris Brown

Guest: Chip Barbieri

Air date: Aug. 16, 2016

Direct download: Bicycle-081616.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 11:21am MDT

Hosts: Val Begalle, Kevin Van Gundy

Guest: Diane Barger

Air date: Aug. 16, 2016


Direct download: Boomers081616.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 11:17am MDT

Host: Katie Goddeyne

Guest: Karla Klemm

Air date: Aug. 11, 2016


Direct download: MCHD081116.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 5:10pm MDT

Host: Coach

Guests: Trevor Dannegger, Josh Sword

Air date: Aug 10, 2016



Direct download: GJRox081016.mp3
Category:GJ Rockies Update -- posted at: 5:08pm MDT

Host: Erin McIntyre

Guest: Teresa Wees

Air date: Aug. 10, 2016


Direct download: Diggin081016.mp3
Category:Diggin` the Garden -- posted at: 5:04pm MDT

Host: Steve Newsom

Guest: Brian Breault

Air date: Aug. 8, 2016

Direct download: BeSafe080816.mp3
Category:Be Safe with KAFM -- posted at: 5:00pm MDT

Host: Coach

Guest: Stephanie Reecy, Commissioner John Justman

Air date: Aug. 8, 2016




Direct download: MesaCo080816.mp3
Category:Mesa County Government -- posted at: 4:57pm MDT

Host: Gina

Guests: Mark, Marc, Mark, John

Air date: Aug. 6, 2016


Direct download: Haymarket080616.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 4:53pm MDT

Hosts: Ramona Rae, Dulce Bell-Bulley

Guest: Marcus Straub

Air date: Aug. 2, 2016


Direct download: KV080216.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 4:51pm MDT

Host: Coach

Air date: Aug. 4, 2106

Direct download: RevFreak080416.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 3:28pm MDT

Host: Coach

Guests: Sarah McCarthy, Kenton Seth

Air date: Aug. 3, 2016


Direct download: ConCO080316.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm MDT

Hosts: Kristian Hartter, Monty Haltiner

Guest: Chad Hamilton

Air date: Aug 1, 2016


Direct download: BeerGeeks080116.mp3
Category:Beer Geeks -- posted at: 3:21pm MDT

Host: Leigh Fitch

Guest: Deputy Mark Johnson, Mesa Co. Sheriff`s Dept.

Air date: Aug. 1, 2016 


Direct download: Crime080316.mp3
Category:Crime Stoppers -- posted at: 3:17pm MDT

Hosts: Rhonda Dunlap, Laurie Marbus

Guest: Dr. Harriet Davis

Air date: July 27, 2016


Direct download: FreshCafe072716.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 3:13pm MDT