
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Hosts: Joseph Rolley, April Goggans

Guest: Paula Anderson

Air date: Dec. 21, 2016

Direct download: VW-122116.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 1:40pm MST

Host: Kevin Van Gundy

Guest: Julie Heacock of New Dimensions Lifelong Learning Institute

Air date: Dec. 20, 2016

Direct download: Boomers-122016.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 1:35pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_Megan.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Stories is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_DesiOlivia.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_HannahAliviaAri.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Host: Chris Brown

Guests: Jolyn Kelly, John Hefner

Air date: Dec. 19, 2016

Direct download: Bicycle-121916.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 5:31pm MST

Host: Mickey the K

Guests: Greg, Matty, Jason

Air date: Dec. 15, 2016

Direct download: WhiskeyAutumn-121516.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 5:28pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Bryan Sanford

Air date: Dec. 15, 2016

Direct download: MoneyTips-121516.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 5:25pm MST

Host: Chris Joyner

Guests: Jimmy Brown, Eric Eckberg

Air date: Dec 15, 2016


Direct download: BLM-121516.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 5:24pm MST

Hosts: Doug Sorter, Sheri Ray

Guests: Sarah Johnson, Martha Graf, Hilary McGilton

Air date: Dec 13, 2016

Direct download: CTD-121316.mp3
Category:Connect the Dots -- posted at: 5:21pm MST

Hosts: Katlin Birdsall, Terri Jones

Guests: Kristi Pollard, Rick Rozelle

Air date: Dec. 13, 2016

Direct download: BB-121316.mp3
Category:Business Beat -- posted at: 5:16pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Mike Porras, Ben Felt

Air date: Dec. 12, 2016


Direct download: CPW-121216.mp3
Category:Colorado Parks & Wildlife -- posted at: 5:14pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Anna Stout, Exec. Dir.

Air date: Dec. 12, 2016

Direct download: RHHS-121216.mp3
Category:Roice-Hurst Humane Society -- posted at: 5:12pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Anna Stout, Kathy Viglianco

Air date: Dec. 12, 2016


Direct download: FCE-121216.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:09pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest:  Greg Olson

Air date: Dec. 12, 2016

Direct download: Hilltop-121416.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Elizabeth Collins

Air date: Dec. 12, 2016

Direct download: GVT-121416.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:51am MST

Host: Stephanie Reecy

Guest: Commissioner John Justman

Air date: Dec. 12, 2016

Direct download: County-121516.mp3
Category:Mesa County Government -- posted at: 10:47am MST

Host: Katie Goddynne

Guest: Allison Sanchez

Air date: Dec. 8, 2016

Direct download: MCHD-120816.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 3:43pm MST

Hosts: Proscilla Magnall, Eileen O`Toole

Guest: Dave Fischell

Air date: Dec. 8, 2016

Direct download: History-120816.mp3
Category:Our Grand History -- posted at: 3:40pm MST

Hosts: Ramona Rae, Dulce Bell-Bulley

Guest: Deborah Steddom

Air date: Dec. 6, 2016

Direct download: KV-120616.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 3:37pm MST

Host: Christa Campbell

Guest: Officer Bryce Raber, Palisade PD

Air date: Dec. 5, 2016



Direct download: Crime-120516.mp3
Category:Crime Stoppers -- posted at: 3:33pm MST

Hosts: Monty Haltiner, Kristian Hartter

Guest: Zorba Portero

Air date: Dec. 5, 2016

Direct download: Beer_Geeks-120516.mp3
Category:Beer Geeks -- posted at: 3:25pm MST

Hosts: Avery Glassman, John Anglim

Guest: Steven Maxwell

Air date: Dec. 1, 2016

Direct download: SOTA-120116.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 3:21pm MST

Hosts: Wayne Smith, Liz Weiss

Guest: Bryan Reed

Air date:c. 1, 2016

Direct download: FF-120116.mp3
Category:Food Frisbee -- posted at: 3:18pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_MeganTitus.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_DianaHenry.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_Evan.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_EvanDelaney.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Hosts: Rhonda Dunlap, Shannon Cuoco

Guest: J.L. Fields

Air date: Nov. 23, 2016


Direct download: FreshCafe-112316.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 4:29pm MST

Hosts: Joseph Rolley, Dr. April Goggans

Guest: Rev. Adriane Wolf

Air date: Nov. 23, 2016


Direct download: VW-112316.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 4:27pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Colleen McLoughlin

Air date: Nov. 22, 2016

Direct download: CoPIRG-112216.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm MST

Host: Chris Joyner

Guests: Brittany Williams, Mike Porras

Air date: Nov. 22, 2016

Direct download: BLM-112216.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 4:22pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Joy Hudak, Luis

Air date: Nov 22, 2017


Direct download: REC-112216.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Teresa Nees

Air date: Nov. 17, 2016


Direct download: County-111716.mp3
Category:Mesa County Government -- posted at: 4:16pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Ivan Pelaey

Air date: Nov. 17th, 2016

Direct download: MoneyTips-111716.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 4:14pm MST

Host: Alex Forsett

Air date: Nov. 16, 2016

Direct download: PBS-111616.mp3
Category:PBS in Tune -- posted at: 10:57am MST

Hosts: Kevin Van Gundy, Val Begalle

Guests: Chris West, Travis Perry

Air date: Nov. 15, 2016

Direct download: Boomers-111516.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 10:55am MST

Host: Chris Brown

Guest: Heather O'Brien

Air date: Nov. 15, 2015

Direct download: Bicycle-111516.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 10:53am MST

Host: Steve newsom

Guest: Monica Miller

Air date: Nov. 14, 2016


Direct download: BeSafe-111416.mp3
Category:Be Safe with KAFM -- posted at: 10:52am MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Javier de los Santos, Eric Nohe

Air date: Nov. 14, 2016

Direct download: Guitar-111416.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 10:50am MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_SamLiam.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: The Vocal Chords

Air date: Nov. 10, 2016

Direct download: VocalChords111016.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 4:39pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Lisa Will, Kim Bohrer, Kylie Dunn, Jessie Herrera

Air date: Nov. 10, 2016

Direct download: SD51-111016.mp3
Category:SD51 -- posted at: 4:36pm MST

Host: Katie Goddeyne

Guest: Heather Nara

Air date: Nov. 10, 2016

Direct download: MCHD-111016.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 4:33pm MST

Hosts: Proscilla Mangnall, Eileen O'Toole

Guest: Kate Ruland-Thorne

Air date: Nov. 10, 2016


Direct download: History-111016.mp3
Category:Our Grand History -- posted at: 4:30pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Keegan Reilly, Katie Kiefer, Hannah Howe

Air date: Nov. 9, 2016

Direct download: ColoDiscAbil-11-09-16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm MST

Hosts: Sheri Ray, Doug Sorter

Guests: Wes Hughes, Sarah Johnson

Air date: Nov. 8, 2016

Direct download: CTD-110816.mp3
Category:Connect the Dots -- posted at: 4:25pm MST

Hosts: Katlin Birdsall, Terri Jones

Guests: Brian Watson, Josh Hudnall

Air date: Nov. 8, 2016

Direct download: BB-110816.mp3
Category:Business Beat -- posted at: 4:21pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Eric Myers

Air date: Nov. 7, 2016

Direct download: RedCross110716.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Corporal Ross Young, Fruita PD

Air date: Nov. 7, 2016

Direct download: Crime-110716.mp3
Category:Crime Stoppers -- posted at: 4:09pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_Ascher.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Host: Mickey the K

Guests: Gillian, Rob, Clifford, Alex

Air date: Nov. 3, 2016


Direct download: LaVoir-110316.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 4:59pm MST

Hosts: Wayne Smith, Liz Weiss

Guests: Karalyn Dorn, Michael Gonzales

Air date: Nov. 3, 2016


Direct download: FF-110316.mp3
Category:Food Frisbee -- posted at: 4:56pm MST

Host: Avery Glassman

Guest: Natalie Bensel

Air date: Nov. 3, 2016

Direct download: SOTA-110316.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 4:54pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Chief Courtney Williams, Senior Chief Petty Officer Bill Mulligan

Air date: Nov. 2, 2016

Direct download: Commodores-110216.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 4:52pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Vicki McGee, Cheri Lefevre

Air date: Nov. 2, 2016

Direct download: HopeGV-110216.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:49pm MST

Hosts: Dulce Bell-Bulley, Ramona Rae

Guest: Reverend Wendy

Air date: Nov. 1, 2016

Direct download: KV-110116.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 4:44pm MST

Hosts: Kristian Hartter, Monty Haltiner

Guests: Ric Avery, Josh & Jake

Air date: Oct. 31, 2016

Direct download: BeerGeeks-103116.mp3
Category:Beer Geeks -- posted at: 4:41pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_JamesAscherJaidyn.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Host: Angeline Roles

Guest: Brian Oney

Air date: Oct. 27, 2016

Direct download: DHS-102716.mp3
Category:MC Dept. of Human Services -- posted at: 2:06pm MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Shannon Cuoco

Air date: Oct. 26, 2016

Direct download: FreshCafe-102616.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 1:59pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Greg Caton

Air date: Oct. 25, 2016

Direct download: City-102516.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm MST

Host: Chris Joyner

Guests: Andy Windsor, Tury Nycum

Air date: Oct. 20, 2016

Direct download: BLM-102016.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 1:53pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Brittany Ray

Air date: Oct. 20, 2016


Direct download: MoneyTips-102016.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 1:51pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_Jonas1.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Host: Katie Goddynne

Guest: Felice Daniels

Air date: Oct. 19, 2016

Direct download: MCHD-101916.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 3:32pm MST

Hosts: Alex Forsett, Brittany Madigan

Guest: Mariel Rodriguez-McGill

Air date: Oct. 19, 2016

Direct download: PBS-101916.mp3
Category:PBS in Tune -- posted at: 3:28pm MST

Hosts: Kevin Van Gundy, Val Begalle

Guests: Tanya Fink, Scott Fairbanks, Constance Holland

Air date: Oct. 18, 2016

Direct download: Boomers-101816.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 3:26pm MST

Host: Chris Brown

Guest: Bill Cline

Air date: Oct. 18, 2016

Direct download: Bicycle-101816.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 3:23pm MST

Hosts: Katlin Birdsall, Terri Jones

Featured: Home Loan, Sullivan Upholstery

Air date: Oct. 17, 2016

Direct download: BB101716.mp3
Category:Business Beat -- posted at: 3:19pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_Rosemary.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_Connor.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Will Whalen, Thomasina Russell, Shea Bramer

Air date: Oct. 10, 2016

Direct download: LocalMusicHour-101016.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 8:08pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Colleen McLoughlin

Recorded: Oct. 5, 2016

Direct download: CoPirg100516.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57pm MST

Hosts: Chef Wayne, Liz Weiss

Guests: Sister Karen, Beverly Lampley, Gabe Matteur

Air date: Oct. 6, 2016


Direct download: FF-100616.mp3
Category:Food Frisbee -- posted at: 8:13pm MST

Hosts: John Anglim, Avery Glassman

Guest: Natalie Bensel

Air date: Oct. 6, 2016



Direct download: SOTA-100616.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 8:11pm MST

Host: Coach

Air date: Oct . 5, 2016


Direct download: VanessaPeters-100516.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 8:05pm MST

Hosts: Ramona Rae, Dulce Bell-Bulley

Guest: Greg McClanahan

Air date: Oct. 4, 2016



Direct download: KV-100416.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 7:58pm MST

Hosts: Kristian Hartter, Monty Haltiner

Guests: Todd Williamson, Eric Bejarano

Air date: Oct. 3, 2016

Direct download: BeerGeeks-100316.mp3
Category:Beer Geeks -- posted at: 7:55pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_Kairi.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Hosts: Rhonda Dunlap, Laurie Marbas

Guest: Yadira Manila

Air date: Sept. 28, 2016

Direct download: FreshCafe-092816.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 5:06pm MST

Hosts: Joseph Rolley, April Goggans

Guests: Misha Jirnov, Yliya Jirnov

Air date: Sept. 28, 2016


Direct download: VW-092816.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 5:03pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_HunterVioletJonas.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

host: Tori Minor

Guests: Jonathan Cray, Zach Chance

Recorded at venue: Sept 2016

Direct download: Jamestown_Revivial_Interview_podcast.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 4:51pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Charlie Blackmer, Anna Stout

Air date: Sept. 21, 2016

Direct download: FCE-092116.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:45pm MST

Hosts: Catherine & Brittany

Guest: Dan Gamison

Air date: Sept. 21, 2016


Direct download: PBS-092116.mp3
Category:PBS in Tune -- posted at: 4:43pm MST

Host: Chris Brown

guest: Tom Endwell

Air date: Sept. 20, 2016

Direct download: Bicycle092016.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 4:31pm MST

Hosts: Kevin Van Gundy, Val Begalle

Guests: Ruth McCrea, John Ahern

Air date: Sept. 20, 2016


Direct download: Boomers-092016.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 4:19pm MST

Host: Chris Joyner

Guests: Julia McHugh, Eric Eckberg

Air date: Sept 19, 2016



Direct download: BLM-091916.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 4:11pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Linda Gann

Air date: Sept. 15, 2016

Direct download: CFHC-091516.mp3
Category:Connect 4 Health Colorado -- posted at: 3:55pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Ryan Migushima

Air date: Sept. 15, 2016

Direct download: MoneyTips-091516.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 3:19pm MST

Host: Ol` Dog

Guests: Ryan Shupe & the Rubber Band

Air date: Sept. 9, 2016

Direct download: Shupe-090916.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 2:53pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_KairiConnerRosemary.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Gabrielle Porter, Erin McIntyre

Air date: Seot. 14, 2016

Direct download: Sentinel-091416.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41am MST

Host: Erin McIntyre

Guest: Susan Carter

Air date: Sept 14, 2016

Direct download: Diggin-091416.mp3
Category:Diggin` the Garden -- posted at: 10:39am MST

Host: Katlin Birdsall, Terri Jones

Guest: Kenton Seth

Air date: Sept. 13, 2016

Direct download: BB091316.mp3
Category:Business Beat -- posted at: 12:27pm MST

STORIES is produced in the studios of KAFM by Jeff Liddle.

Direct download: STORIES_MasonBoden.mp3
Category:STORIES -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Host: Steve Newsom

guests: Derek Elder, Trevor Lettman from Grand Valley Power

Air date: Sept. 12, 2016

Direct download: BeSafe-091216.mp3
Category:Be Safe with KAFM -- posted at: 4:46pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: David Foster, Constance Holland

Air date: Sept. 12, 2016

Direct download: Spellbinders-091216.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:42pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Joy hudak

Air date: Sept. 8, 2016

Direct download: REC-090816.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:39pm MST