
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Recorded: 05/26/21
Host: Rhonda Dunlap
Guests: Ruth Maas, Carl Vostatek
Direct download: FreshCafe-052621.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm MST

Recorded: 05/24/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Jake Tegtman
Direct download: SmallBusinessMonth-052421.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:57pm MST

Recorded: 05/20/21
Host: Libbie Early, Kaia Michaelis
Direct download: MuseumMeetup-052021.mp3
Category:Museum Meet-Up -- posted at: 2:47pm MST

Recorded: 05/20/21
Host: Karen Nelson
Guests: Pastor J.R. Atkins
Direct download: TravelTime-052021.mp3
Category:Travel Talk -- posted at: 2:45pm MST

Recorded: 05/20/21
Host: Amanda Fuoco
Guests: Jon Johnson, Sara St. Martin
Direct download: DHS-052021.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. DHS -- posted at: 2:40pm MST

Recorded: 05/19/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Skyler McKinley
Direct download: AAAColorado-051921.mp3
Category:AAA Colorado -- posted at: 2:36pm MST

Recorded: 05/18/21
Host: Katlin Birdsall, Kelsey Coleman
Guests: Maddie Pressler, Sierra Arceneaux
Direct download: CMUNow-051821.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm MST

Recorded: 05/18/21
Host: Selena Sanchez, Kayla Brown
Guests: Allie Daniel, Andrea Storlarczyk
Direct download: WomenInBusiness-051821.mp3
Category:Women In Business -- posted at: 2:56pm MST

Recorded: 05/18/21
Host: Kayla Brown, Selena Sanchez
Guests: Tom Casual
Direct download: FruitaRoots-051821.mp3
Category:Fruita Roots -- posted at: 2:55pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Kevin Barclay


Direct download: NAMI_-051721.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am MST

Recorded: 05/17/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Ginger Blanchett
Direct download: MesaMurderMysteries-051721.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:22pm MST

Recorded: 05/17/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Chris Thomas
Direct download: CommunityHospital-051721.mp3
Category:Community Hospital -- posted at: 3:15pm MST

Recorded: 03/17/21
Host: Kayla Holst, Vickie Becoat
Guests: Julie Gingerich, Lindsay Ross
Direct download: VetTalks-051721.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm MST

Recorded: 05/13/21
Host: Stefany Busch
Guests: Jeff Kuhr
Direct download: InGoodHealth-051321.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm MST

Recorded: 05/13/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Emily Shockley
Direct download: SchDist51-051321.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:57pm MST

Recorded: 05/12/21
Host: Angeline Barrett, Kate Weissenburger
Guests: Seth Urbanowitz, Jennifer Richardson
Direct download: DiggintheGarden-051221.mp3
Category:Diggin` the Garden -- posted at: 4:52pm MST

Recorded: 05/13/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Chris Herrman
Direct download: ColoradoCanyonsAssociation-051221.mp3
Category:Colorado Canyons Association -- posted at: 4:31pm MST

Recorded: 05/12/21
Host: Kate Porras
Guests: Cara Williams, Shannon Kinslow
Direct download: HouseTalk-051221.mp3
Category:House Talk -- posted at: 3:14pm MST

Recorded: 05/11/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Terri Benson, Elizabeth Wheeler, Chris Brown, Christina Hovland
Direct download: BeaconSeniorNews-051121.mp3
Category:Beacon Senior News -- posted at: 2:42pm MST

Recorded: 05/11/21
Host: Wayne Smith, Christine Feller
Guests: Celina Kirnburger
Direct download: FoodFrisbee-051121.mp3
Category:Food Frisbee -- posted at: 2:37pm MST

Recorded: 05/10/21
Host: Andrea Rosenberry
Guests: James Siegesmand, Joan Mulleady
Direct download: LegalBrief-051021.mp3
Category:The Legal Brief -- posted at: 4:27pm MST

Recorded: 05/03/21
Host: Jenne Baldwin-Eaton, Miranda Purcell
Guests: Charles Talbott
Direct download: CorkDorks-050321.mp3
Category:Cork Dorks -- posted at: 3:04pm MST

Recorded: 05/03/21
Host: Sarah Brooks
Guests: Carina Clark, Taylor Rosendale, Marc Mancuso, Tina Boley
Direct download: MobileMesaCo-050321.mp3
Category:Mobile Mesa County -- posted at: 2:41pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Joy Hudak, Mario Bravo and Valeria Herrera

Date: 5/6/21

Direct download: REC_-_CMU_Pres_Recog_Awards-050621.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Vicki McGee and Ginger Richardson

Date: 5/6/21

Direct download: Hope_GV_-_Classes_Volunteering_-050621.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm MST

Host: Donna Morall

Guest: Jay Wilson

Date: 5/5/21

Direct download: Money_Show_-_Funeral_Planning_-050521.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm MST

Host: Donna Morrall

Guests: Kayla Brown and Selena Sanchez

Date: 5/5/21

Direct download: Money_Show_-_Fruita_Chamber_-050521.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm MST

Hosts: Ramona Rae and Marcus Straub

Date: 5/4/21

Direct download: Is_It_Fun_Being_You_-050421.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27pm MST

Recorded: 04/29/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Chalane Coit, Ellis Thompson
Direct download: CrimeStoppers-042921.mp3
Category:Crime Stoppers -- posted at: 4:59pm MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Shanon McDowell Larsen

Date: 4/28/21

Direct download: Fresh_Cafe_April_2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: James Paul

Date: 4/26/21

Direct download: Tank_Center_-_James_Paul_April_2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: James Wallace

Date: 4/22/21

Direct download: CMU_Dance_April_2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm MST

Host: Teresa Nees and Jennifer Richardson

Guest: Randi Kim, City of GJ

Date: April 22, 2021

Direct download: Going_Green_April_2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm MST

Host: Doug Sorter

Guest: Kim Raff

Date: April 21, 2021

Direct download: Connect_the_Dots_April_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm MST

Host: Alex Forsett

Date: 4/21/21

Direct download: PBS_In_Tune_April_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm MST

Hosts: Kayla Brown, Selena Sanchez

Guests: Frank Whidden, Dan Collins, Angie Whickersham, Johnathan Demers, Kathy Cardinal, Shirleen Hutton, Sarah Wood, Julia Coffey

Air date: Apr 20, 2021

Direct download: FruitaRoots-042021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:28pm MST