
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Host: Callie Varra

Guest: Garrett Morrison

Air date: Dec. 28, 2015

Direct download: Hilltop122815.mp3
Category:Hilltop -- posted at: 11:55am MST

Host: Chris Joyner

Guests: Collin Ewing, Tury Nycum

Air date: Dec. 28, 2015


Direct download: BLM122815.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 11:49am MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Dr. Laurie Marbas

Air date: Dec. 23, 2015

Direct download: FreshCafe122315.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 11:46am MST

Hosts: Joseph Rolley, April Goggans

Guest: Gary Weidner

Air date: Dec. 23, 2015


Direct download: VW122315.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 11:44am MST

Hosts: Alex Forsett, Catherine Melorango

Guest: Gretchen Reist

Topics: Autism in Love, Downton Abbey

Air date: Dec. 16, 2015

Direct download: PBS121615.mp3
Category:PBS in Tune -- posted at: 3:49pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Zolopht band members

Air date: Dec. 22, 2015

Direct download: Zolopht122215.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 3:09pm MST

Host: Terri Sides

Guest: Dr. Denice Norton

Air date: Dec. 21, 2015

Direct download: PetTalk122115.mp3
Category:Pet Talk -- posted at: 3:06pm MST

Host, Gina Tallman

Guest: Terah Malievsky

Air date: Dec. 17, 2015

Direct download: MoneyTips121715.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 3:03pm MST

Host: Chris Brown

Guest: John Hodge

Topics: Bicycle Alliance, 340 Safety, Bicycle maps

Air date: Dec. 15, 2015

Direct download: Bicycle121515.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 2:55pm MST

Host: Steven Newsom

Guests: Capt. Matt Carson, Marshall Dick Pippinger

Air date: Dec. 14, 2015


Direct download: BeSafe121415.mp3
Category:Be Safe with KAFM -- posted at: 2:50pm MST

As broadcast LIVE from the KAFM Radio Room on Dec. 4, 2015.

Directed by Patrick Swonger.

Direct download: Its_a_Wonderful_Life.mp3
Category:Radio Theater -- posted at: 11:00am MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Vicky McGee, Sarah Keddy

Air date: Dec. 14, 2015

Direct download: HopeOfTheGVDEC2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:25am MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Aaron and Jessica Seibert

Air date: Dec. 10, 2015

Direct download: JackJill121015.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 11:22am MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Katie Goddeyne, Nanci Quintana

Air date: Dec. 10, 2015

Direct download: MCHD121015.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 11:17am MST

Hosts: Monty Haltiner, Kristian Hartter

Air date:  Dec. 7, 2015

Direct download: BeerGeeks120715.mp3
Category:Beer Geek Radio -- posted at: 5:55pm MST

Hosts: Case Bricker, Wayne Smith

Guest: Dan Sharp

Air date: Dec. 3, 2015

Direct download: FF120315.mp3
Category:Food Frisbee -- posted at: 2:45pm MST

Host: Sarahndipity

Air date: Dec. 2, 2015

Direct download: SS120115.mp3
Category:Serendipitous Sessions -- posted at: 2:42pm MST

Hosts: Dulce Bell-Bulley, Ramona Rae

Guest: Rev. Wendy Jones

Dec. 1, 2015

Direct download: KV120115.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 2:35pm MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Marjorie Leon

Air date: Nov. 25, 2015

Direct download: FreshCafe112515.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 2:32pm MST

Host: Joseph Rolley

Guest: Crystal Aryana

Air date: Nov. 25, 2015

Direct download: VW112515.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 2:23pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Jessie Johnnes

Air date: Nov. 24, 2015

Direct download: CoPIRG112415.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm MST

Host: Chris Joyner

Guest: Heather Benjamin

Air date: Nov. 19, 2015

Direct download: BLM111915.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 1:02pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Jeff Murray

Air date: Nov. 19, 2015

Direct download: MoneyTips111915.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 12:54pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Patrick Swonger

Topic: It`s a Wonderful Life

Air date: Nov. 18, 2015

Direct download: RRplayers111815.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm MST

Hosts: Catherine Melorango, Alex Forsett

Guest: Gretchen Reist

Air date: Nov. 18, 2015

Direct download: PBS111815.mp3
Category:PBS in Tune -- posted at: 12:44pm MST

Host: Chris Brown

Guests: John Hedner, Doug h\Huyduk, Cullen Purser

Air date: Nov. 17, 2015


Direct download: Bicycle111615.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 12:40pm MST

Host: Kevin Van Gundy

Guest: Jackie Chappell-Reid

Topics: Hospice and Colorado Gives Day

Direct download: Boomers111615.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 12:35pm MST

Host: Terri Sides

Guest: Debbye Harmon

Air date: Nov. 16, 2015

Direct download: PetTalk111615.mp3
Category:Pet Talk -- posted at: 12:32pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Linda Gann

Topic: open enrollment, brokers

Air date: Nov. 12, 2015

Direct download: C4HC111215.mp3
Category:Connect 4 Health Colorado -- posted at: 11:15am MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Dana Liesegang

Topic: "Falling Up" book release and signing

Air date: Nov. 12, 2015

Direct download: DanaL111215.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07am MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Allison Sanchez

Air date: Nov. 12, 2015


Direct download: MCHD111215.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 11:01am MST

Hosts: Sheery Ray, Doug Sorter

Guests: Keith Larson, Arc Mesa County, and Joy Hudak, Riverside Education Center

Air date: Nov. 10, 2015

Direct download: CTD111015.mp3
Category:Connect the Dots -- posted at: 10:55am MST

Hosts: Cameron Garcia, Virginia Phillips

Guest: Kate Ramsey

Topics: Indoor Gardening, CSA's, and sustainable activities

Air date: Nov. 9, 2015


Direct download: SMS110215.mp3
Category:Sustainability Makes Sense -- posted at: 1:00am MST

Hosts: Chef Wayne, Chef Case

Guest: Heather Nara

Air date: Nov. 5, 2015

Direct download: FF110515.mp3
Category:Food Frisbee -- posted at: 5:14pm MST

Hosts: Avery Glassman, John Anglim

Guest: Kay Crane

Air date: Nov. 5, 2015


Direct download: SOTA110515.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 5:11pm MST

Host: Sarahndipity

Air date: Nov. 4, 2015

Direct download: SS110415.mp3
Category:Serendipitous Sessions -- posted at: 5:00pm MST

Host: Ramona Rae

Guest: Marcus Straub

Air date: Nov. 3, 2015

Direct download: KV110315.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 4:58pm MST

Hosts: Kristian Hartter, Monty Haltiner

Guest: Matt Simpson

Air Date: Nov. 2, 2015

Direct download: BeerGeeks110215.mp3
Category:Beer Geek Radio -- posted at: 4:38pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Angeline Roles

Air date: Oct. 29, 2015

Direct download: DHS102915.mp3
Category:DHS -- posted at: 2:38pm MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Dr. Laurie Marbas

Air date: Oct. 28, 2015

Direct download: FreshCafe102815.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 2:33pm MST

Host: Joseph Rolley

Guest: Dr. April Goggins, D.O.

Air date: Oct. 28, 2015

Direct download: VW102815.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 2:31pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Greg Olson

Air date: Oct. 26, 2015

Direct download: Hilltop102615.mp3
Category:Hilltop -- posted at: 2:22pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Mike Porras, Trina Romero

Air date: Oct. 26, 2015

Direct download: CPW102615.mp3
Category:Colorado Parks & Wildlife -- posted at: 2:18pm MST

Host: Chris Joyner

Guest: Chuck Lassiter

Air date: Oct. 15, 2015

Direct download: BLM101515.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 4:14pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Paul Clement, Cendera Funding

Air date: Oct. 15, 2015

Direct download: MoneyTips101515.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 4:11pm MST

Host: Terri Sides

Guest: Diana Woods 

Air date: Oct. 12, 2015

Direct download: PetTalk10125.mp3
Category:Pet Talk -- posted at: 4:05pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Katie Goddeyne, Biz Collins

Air date: Oct. 8, 2015

Direct download: MCHD100815.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 3:48pm MST

Hosts: Ramona Rae, Dulce Bell-Bulley

Guest: Marcus Straub

Topic: How Life Shapes Our Perceptions

Air date: October 6, 2015

Direct download: KV100615.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 11:27am MST

Host: Sarahndipity

Guest: Sereesha Wood & Chad Sult

Air date: Oct. 7, 2015

Direct download: SS100715.mp3
Category:Serendipitous Sessions -- posted at: 11:21am MST

Hosts: Monty Haltiner and Kristian Hartter

Guests: Tasha Dixon, Casey Dry

Air date: Oct. 5, 2015

Direct download: BeerGeeks100515.mp3
Category:Beer Geek Radio -- posted at: 11:15am MST

Hosts: John Anglim, Avery Glassman

Guest: Jeremy Franklin

Air date: Oct. 1, 2015

Direct download: SOTA100115.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 11:11am MST

Host: Chef Wayne Smith

Guests: Beth Branscum (WCCC), Josh Niernburg (Bin 707)

Air date: Oct. 1, 2015



Direct download: FoodFrisbee100115.mp3
Category:Food Frisbee -- posted at: 11:01am MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Mike Porras

Air date: Sept. 30, 2015

Direct download: CPW093015.mp3
Category:Colorado Parks & Wildlife -- posted at: 10:57am MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Rufina Hernandez

Air date: Sept. 24, 2015

Direct download: CoDivCivRts092415.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Dave Montoya

Air date: Sept. 24, 2015

Direct download: MCDHS092415.mp3
Category:MC Dept. of Human Services -- posted at: 3:32pm MST

Host: Joseph Rolley

Guests: Lhakpa Sherpa, Beverly Thompson, Herb Gearhart

Air date: Sept. 23, 2015

Direct download: VW092315.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 3:27pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Jeremy Franklin

Air date: Sept. 22, 2015

Direct download: CMUtheatre092215.mp3
Category:CMU Theatre -- posted at: 3:24pm MST

Host: Terri Sides

Guest: Noelle Blair

Air date: Sept. 21, 2015

Direct download: PetTalk092115.mp3
Category:Pet Talk -- posted at: 3:18pm MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guests: Ellie and Walt Legits

Air date: Sept. 23, 2015

Direct download: FreshCafe092315.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 3:00pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Patrick Kieran, Jake Desserich

Air date: Sept. 17, 2015

Direct download: BLM091715.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 2:05pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman

Guest: Jessica Shaffer

Air date: Sept. 17, 2015

Direct download: MoneyTips091715.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 2:04pm MST

Hosts: Mary Hertert, John Anglim

Guest: Mikkail Kelly

Air date: Sept. 16, 2015

Direct download: StateArts091615.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 2:02pm MST

Host: Chris Brown

Guest: Grit & Thistle Film Co.

Air date: Sept. 15, 2015 (rec. Nov. 2013)

Direct download: BicycleRadio091515.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 2:00pm MST

Host: Kevin Van Gundy

Guest: Amy Ketchum

Air date: Sept. 15, 2015

Direct download: Boomers091515.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 1:57pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: John Winn

Air date: Sept. 14, 2015

Direct download: Winn-091415.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Katie Goddeyne, Nanci Quintana

Air date: Sept. 10, 2015

Direct download: MCHD091015.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 1:20pm MST

Host: Steve Gammill

Guest: Tedi Gillespie

Air date: Sept. 8, 2015

Direct download: CFK090815mp3.mp3
Category:Conversations for Keeps -- posted at: 1:17pm MST

Hosts: Monty Haltiner, Kristian Hartter

Guests: Casside Schull, Chad Hamilton

Air date: Sept. 7, 2015

Direct download: BeerGeeks090715.mp3
Category:Beer Geek Radio -- posted at: 1:14pm MST

Host: Sarahndipity

Guest: Catrina Lee

Air date: Sept. 2, 2015


Direct download: SS090215.mp3
Category:Serendipitous Sessions -- posted at: 3:45pm MST

Hosts: Ramona Rae, Dulce Bell-Bulley

Air date: Sept. 1, 2015

Direct download: KV090115.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 3:39pm MST

Host: Rhonda Dunlap

Guest: Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Air date: Aug. 26, 2015

Direct download: FreshCafe082615.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 12:28pm MST

Host: Joseph Rolley

Guests: Walt and Ellie Legits

Air date: Aug. 26, 2015

Direct download: VW082615.mp3
Category:Vibrant Wellness -- posted at: 12:25pm MST

Host: Bennett Boeschenstein

Guest: Gail Foster

Air date: Aug. 25, 2015

Direct download: GVO082515.mp3
Category:Grand Valley Outdoors -- posted at: 12:22pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Mike Porras

Air date: Aug. 24, 2015

Direct download: CPW082415.wav
Category:Colorado Parks & Wildlife -- posted at: 12:15pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman, CPA

Guest: Stefanie Avila

Air date: Aug. 20, 2015

Direct download: MoneyTips082015.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 3:07pm MST

State of the Arts: Colo. Archaeological Society

Hosts: Mary Hertert, John Anglim

Guest: Doug Van Etten

Topic: Process of starting a new cultural organization

Air date: Aug. 19, 2015

Direct download: StateArts081915.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 3:05pm MST

Host: Kevin Van Gundy

Guest: Laura Wayman

Air date: Aug. 18, 2015

Direct download: Boomers081815.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 2:55pm MST

Host: Steve Gammill

Guest: Steve Schultz, Superintent, Sch. Dist. 51

Air date: Aug. 11, 2015

Direct download: CFK081115.mp3
Category:Conversations for Keeps -- posted at: 2:45pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Katie Goddeyne, Karla Klemm

Topic: Breastfeeding Awareness Month

Air date: Aug. 13, 2015

Direct download: MCHD081315.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 2:39pm MST

Host: Coach

Live performance and interview at KAFM by the band from California.

Air date: Aug. 12, 2015

Direct download: MissLonelyHearts081215.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:34pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Joy Hudak, Executive Director

Air date: August 12, 2015

Direct download: Riverside081215.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm MST

Hosts: Sherry Ray, Doug Sorter

Guests: Mike Berry (Kids Aid) and Tedi Gillespie (Western Colo. Community Foundation


Direct download: CTD081115.mp3
Category:Connect the Dots -- posted at: 2:28pm MST

Host: Sarahndipity

Air date: Aug. 5, 2015


Direct download: SS080515.mp3
Category:Serendipitous Sessions -- posted at: 3:37pm MST

Hosts: Dulce Bell-Bulley, Ramona Rae

Guest: Sister Anne Brost

Topic: how understanding personality types helps connect with essence

Air date: Aug. 4, 2015

Direct download: KV080415.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 2:12pm MST

Hosts: Monty Haltiner, Kristian Hartter

Air date: August 3, 2015

Featured brew: Belgian Golden Ale

Direct download: BeerGeeks080315.mp3
Category:Beer Geek Radio -- posted at: 2:07pm MST

State of the Arts: OPERA

Hosts: Mary Hertert, John Anglim

Guest: Kathleen Ruhleder

Air date: July 15, 2015

Direct download: StateArts071515.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 3:54pm MST

Hosts: Honey Lady, Lonesome Larry

Guests: Diane Rino, Melissa Armstrong

Topics: Veteran housing, employment

Air date: July 15, 2015


Direct download: Veteran071515.mp3
Category:American Veteran -- posted at: 3:47pm MST

Hosts: Sherry Ray, Doug Sorter

Guests: Hollie Vanrodsendall Mesa Co. Workforce Center), Jill Derrieux (Partners)



Direct download: CTD071415.mp3
Category:Connect the Dots -- posted at: 3:44pm MST

Hosts: Cameron Garcia, Virginia Phillips

Air date: July 8, 2015


Direct download: SMS070815.mp3
Category:Sustainability Makes Sense -- posted at: 3:39pm MST

Hosts: Dulce Bell-Bulley, Ramona Rae

Guest: Marcus Straub

Air date: July 7, 2015

Direct download: KV070715_2.mp3
Category:Kosmic Voices -- posted at: 3:37pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Erik Campbell from Black Pearl Tattoo

Topic: Erik as a participant on the Spike TV show "Ink Masters"

Air date: June 30, 2015

Direct download: InkMasters063015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: Jim Pringle, meteorologist

Air date: June 23, 2015

Direct download: NWS062315.mp3
Category:NWS -- posted at: 2:27pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Mike Porras, Dick Severin

Air date: June 22, 2015

Direct download: CPW062215.mp3
Category:CPW -- posted at: 2:23pm MST

Host: Chris Joyner

Guest: Erin Jones

Air date: June 18, 2015

Direct download: BLM061815.mp3
Category:BLM -- posted at: 2:11pm MST

Host: Gina Tallman, CPA

Guest: Kim Last

Air date: June 18, 2015

Direct download: MoneyTips061815.mp3
Category:Money Tips -- posted at: 2:04pm MST

Hosts: Mary Hertert, John Anglim

Guest: Camille Silverman, Art Center`s outgoing E.D.


Direct download: StateArts061715.mp3
Category:State of the Arts -- posted at: 1:59pm MST

Host: Chris Brown, Kristin Kittleson

Guests: Elizabeth Collins, Julie Subin

Air date: June 16, 2015

Direct download: BicycleRadio061615.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 1:47pm MST

Host: Coach, Katoe Goddeyne

Guest: Thomas Orr, epidemiologist

Air date: June 11, 2015

Direct download: MCHD061115.mp3
Category:Mesa Co. Health Dept. -- posted at: 12:30pm MST

Host: Coach

Guests: Dylan, Jennifer, Brian (cast members)

Air date: June 10, 2015

Direct download: CMUtheatre061015.mp3
Category:CMU Theatre -- posted at: 12:22pm MST

Host: Sherry Ray

Guests: Bev Lampley (Catholic Outreach), Doug Sorter (Community Impact Council)


Direct download: CTD060915.mp3
Category:Connect the Dots -- posted at: 4:21pm MST