
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Host: Callie Varra

Guests: Kelli and Rebecca

Air date: June 27, 2016

Direct download: Hilltop062716.mp3
Category:Hilltop -- posted at: 2:25pm MST

Hosts: Rhonda Dunlop, Dr. Laurie Marbas

Air date: June 22, 2016

Direct download: FreshCafe062216.mp3
Category:Fresh Cafe -- posted at: 2:21pm MST

Host: Christopher Brown

Guests: Rachel Brown, Amy Hamilton

Air date: June 21, 2016

Direct download: Bicycle062116.mp3
Category:Bicycle Radio -- posted at: 2:19pm MST

Hosts: Kevin Van Gundy, Val Begalle

Guest: Judian Wyatt

Air date: June 21, 2016

Direct download: Boomers062116.mp3
Category:Boomers & Beyond -- posted at: 2:16pm MST

Host: Coach

Guest: John Winn

Air date: June 22, 2016

Direct download: Winn062216.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 2:11pm MST