Conversations@KAFM (In Good Health)

Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Recorded: 07/08/21
Host: Stefany Busch
Guests: Jeff Kuhr
Direct download: InGoodHealth-070821.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 5:44pm MST

Recorded: 04/12/21
Host: Stefany Busch
Guests: Jeff Kuhr
Direct download: InGoodHealth-041221.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 4:33pm MST

Recorded: 03/11/21
Host: Stefany Busch
Guests: Jeff Kuhr
Direct download: InGoodHeath-031121.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 3:27pm MST

Recorded: 2/11/21
Host: Amanda Mayle
Guests: Savannah Herland
Direct download: InGoodHealth-COVIDVaccine.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 4:38pm MST

Host: Katie Goddeyne

Guests: Sara Donaldson, Heather Nara

Air date: July 13, 2017

Direct download: MCPH-071317.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 2:46pm MST

Host: Katie Goddeyne

Guest: Karla Klemm

Air date: Aug. 11, 2016


Direct download: MCHD081116.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 5:10pm MST

Host: Katie Goddeyne

Guest: Allison Sanchez

Air date: July 7, 2016

Direct download: MCHD070716.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 12:16pm MST

Host: Katie Goddeyne

Guest: Allison Sanchez

Air date: May 12, 2015

Direct download: MCHD051216.mp3
Category:In Good Health -- posted at: 12:13pm MST