
Thoughtful, enlightening, and informative community affairs programming from KAFM 88.1 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Podcasts

Recorded: 03/03/21
Host: Donna Morrall
Guests: Cathy Maddalone
Direct download: TheMoneyShow-030321.mp3
Category:The Money Show -- posted at: 4:13pm MST

Recorded: 03/03/21
Host: Coach
Guests: Randy Hampton
Direct download: CoParksWildlife-020921.mp3
Category:Colorado Parks & Wildlife -- posted at: 3:17pm MST

Recorded: 2/9/21
Host: Katlin Birdsall David Ludlam
Guests: Sara Swedberg PhD
Direct download: CMUNow-Oral_History_Project.mp3
Category:CMU Now -- posted at: 2:38pm MST